
Project type

Erasmus+ KA203 Strategic Partnership for Higher education
Project 2020-1-DK01-KA203-075093


01/01/2021 – 31/12/2023 (36 months)


Problem statement

Skills mismatch is a central challenge for Europe and has a negative impact on young graduates’ success in finding a job. Students graduate without the necessary transversal skills enabling them to use and adapt the acquired knowledge to real-life problems, adopt creative solutions and make the due links between different levels of knowledge.  

Project goal

INCO_SMRT has the following goals:

  • to identify and define new logistic skills
  • to develop and implement, together with companies, curricula that bridge both ICT and logistic skills
  • to develop and implement new models for teaching (multidisciplinary curricula providing transversal skills) and assessing
  • to develop and implement teacher support systems


The project develops new student-centered learning modules, relevant for the labour market and tailored on the effective learning needs of the students, with a trans-disciplinary approach for the acquisition of transferable forward-looking skills. Teachers are trained for adopting project-based and challenge-based teaching as well as suitable innovative assessment methods. 


The INCO-SMRT project develops six intellectual outputs (needs analysis, multidisciplinary modules’ development, assessment toolbox, teacher-training module, teacher support systems and pilot), one training activity (teacher-training week) and four multiplier events (three local training seminars and one international conference).  est


The problems tackled by the project are worldwide shared, thus exchange of good practices among institutions with different scope and organization and from north and south countries ensures a better approach and a wide spread of outcomes and results. 

Focusing on T&L sector, the project contributes to close the highlighted knowledge gap and skills mismatch enabling ICT and Business students to become the graduates that job market will increasingly require. Strategies, teaching and learning methods, flexibility, innovative assessment procedures, curricula design with a strong cross-disciplinary content and transversal skills enhancement, can be reproduced in many other sectors allowing the HE institutions and systems to renovate and provide the graduates of tomorrow.